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Holiday cookie traditions run deep in Lauren's family. Every Christmas growing up, Lauren and her sister would bake tons of cookies with their mom. Today, we'd like to share one of these special recipes with you. Introducing ...SPRITZ COOKIES! Spritz cookies were ALWAYS their fave. Tiny Christmas Tree cookies covered in green shimmer sprinkles and petite poinsettias with dusted with red shimmer sprinkles were always the stars of their Christmas Eve dessert spread.
This year, Lauren shared this cookie tradition with her little ones. Once the kids laid eyes on Lauren's cookie press, Sam and Lily immediately started fighting over who got to use the "cookie gun" first! The kiddos absolutely loved “shooting” these special holiday cookies. We know your family will love them, too.
** Makes 7-8 dozen cookies **
1 1/2 cups unsalted butter
1 cup granulated sugar
1 egg
2 Tbsp milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
red shimmer sprinkles
green shimmer sprinkles
rainbow nonpareil sprinkles
Wilton Cookie Pro Ultra Cookie Press
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
In bowl of stand mixer cream butter and sugar about 2 minutes.
Add egg, milk and vanilla and mix well.
In small bowl, combine flour and baking powder and mix. Gradually add to creamed mixture until combined and dough is smooth. Do not chill.
Form dough into a log and place into Cookie Press and add desired shape attachment.
Press cookies onto cookie sheet and add sprinkles.
Bake cookies 10-12 minutes.
Remove cookies from sheet and cool on metal rack.
Store in airtight container for 1-2 weeks.
If you try any of these recipes at home, take a sweet pic and tag us @ellenjaysweets so we can see your very own holiday magic!!